A relaxing day
The fifth day is traditionally the rest and sight-seeing day. The players had a morning practice with the coaches from the coach education in the morning. This was the third training practice for the coaches. The quality of this session was much higher than the two previous ones. This is a good sign and means that the feedbacks from Jo Hughes and from the staff coaches are starting to work. There is still a lot to do for the coaches and the tension will increase tomorrow. The group of players who were not involved in the coach education practice were playing a small team tournament.
After lunch all the participants travelled to the small but beautiful lake at the small village of Jels, which is 15 minute drive from the town of Vejen, where they had a chance to swim, relax and spend time with each other outside of the badminton hall.
In the evening the coaches had three main topics in their lesson. They learned about the communication skills towards the players, discussed the quality of the demonstrations and the differentiations in the exercise.
The players had a much more relaxed time on the football field. They played speedminton with the equipment that was provided by the local organizers. The speedminton session ended at 10 o’clock, but the coaches started to prepare for their lessons, which they will deliver tomorrow.