2014 BEC Summer School in Vejen, Denmark
For the second year in a row, the BEC Summer School was organized in Vejen, Denmark from 19 – 26 July 2014. 54 players from 18 different countries (Romania, Austria, Czech Republic, Malta, Faroe Islands, Denmark, Luxembourg, Spain, England, Wales, Poland, The Netherlands, Iceland, Ireland, Belgium, Slovakia, Italy and Bulgaria) entered BEC's Development flagship and made this 33rd edition of the BEC Summer School an unforgettable week around badminton and fun.
There was also a Coach Education Level 1 course with 24 coaches participating. The Coach Education course was be directed by Joann Hughes, the BWF Coach Education Expert.
"We had a fantastic Summer School, good weather, many participants, and staff coaches who helped out whenever necessary. I would like to thank Vejen Idrætscenter and Vejen Badminton Club for all their support.", Says Jeroen Van Dijk, Badminton Europe's Development Manager.
Click here for daily photos of #BECSS14.
The BEC Summer School is a combination of a training camp for talented junior players and a coach education course open to all European nations. The complete training programme was managed by 7 staff of experienced European Coaches including some national junior coaches with a proven track record. The participating coaches were assisting the staff with the training of the talented youngsters and at the same time experience a coaching course led by the staff.
For more information and reports from the 2014 BEC Summer School please refer to the menu on the left.