Intellectual Output 1 - Badminton Coaching Education - Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

The first step on the journey to develop an ADVANCE Badminton Coaching Education is to make

research to better understand how such an education based on blended learning can be constructed.

Six analyses will be conducted to receive information from various stakeholders who can provide with insightful and perspectives to the development of a successful European Badminton Coaching Framework and ADVANCE Badminton Coaching Education.

Badminton Coaching Education Training Needs Analysis (TNA)  

Intellectual Output 2 - European Badminton Coaching Framework (EBCF)

The ”ADVANCE Training Needs Analysis” report showed that the majority of countries in Europe were interested in exploring, adopting or adapting a new coaching education system. There is indeed a need and thirst for a European Badminton Coaching Framework (EBCF) which is accessible and adaptable to all countries in Europe.

European Badminton Coaching Framework (EBCF) 

Intellectual Output 3 - The Instructors' Guide

The “ADVANCE Instructor´s Guide” for the ADVANCE Badminton Coaching Education is in many ways a “Plug and Play” description of how the education has been set up, how to select the coaches for the education, how each of the lessons can be delivered and how to assess the coaches. 

The Instructors' Guide 

Intellectual Output 4 - The ADVANCE educational platform

The “ADVANCE Educational Platform” has been developed as a hub to share diverse training content among the badminton community. Hence, it will be use as an online tool when delivering the ADVANCE Badminton Coaching Education in Europe.

Click here to access the ADVANCE Educational Platform and check out all the content