BEC Shuttle Time Coordinators Webinar 2022
The Shuttle Time coordinators webinar is organized by Badminton Europe in order to share information with the Shuttle Time implementing countries in Europe. This year´s edition of The Shuttle Time Coordinators webinar was organized on the 18th of October. In total, 31 participants took part in the webinar.
The webinar included 4 different speakers. BWF´ Erica Khoo started the webinar by sharing the newest updates of the Shuttle Time programme. The next speaker was Parvin Piriyev from Azerbaijan. He spoke about how the Shuttle Time programme has been implemented so far in Azerbaijan. Then, Craig Mccourtney from Ireland presented how Badminton Ireland is using Shuttle Time programme as a first step in their coaching pathway. Last but not least, Nicola Schneiter from Swiss Badminton told the Members about how Switzerland has organized Shuttle Time University courses.
Here you can find the presentations of this year´s webinar:
Erica Khoo BWF_Shuttle Time webinar 2022
Azerbaijan_Shuttle Time webinar 2022
Ireland_Shuttle Time webinar 2022
Switzerland_Shuttle Time webinar 2022
Previous Seminars
The first Shuttle Time Coordinators Seminar has been organized in 2015, where the main goal was to create a European network within the Shuttle Time implementing countries and to give the opportunity for the participants to share their experiences with each other, and to increase the information flow around Shuttle Time between the Member Associations.
The second Shuttle Time Seminar has been organized in December 2017, in Copenhagen, where the participants had the opportunity to receive information about the newly developed Shuttle Time Online Module and the BWF Extranet. The national coordinators also had the opportunity to share best practices and discuss the implementation difficulties in their countries.
In 2020, due to the Covid-19 global pandemic, the third Shuttle Time Coordinators meeting was held virtually. The 35 participants from 26 different Member Associations had the opportunity to receive an update from the BWF about the implementation process and about the national planning document. Austria and Ukraine also shared their experiences about their national implementation of the programme and their perspectives.
To read more about the previous Seminars content, please follow these links:
To visit the Shuttle Time Facebook site, please click here.